St. Michael's
A Resource for Orthodox Elementary Education
Santa Rosa, CA
Psalm 1 (6 verses)

This psalm is after the first litany of Vespers and is also used in the Orthodox funeral services.

"Blessed is the man that hath not walked in the counsel of the ungodly..."


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Psalm 8 (8 verses)


"O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful is Thy name in all the earth!"

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Psalm 18 (14 verses)

A verse of this psalm is on the icon of St. John Maximovich Shanghai and San Francisco.  "Their sound hath gone forth unto all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world."

Verses from this psalm are used for prokeimenon during Divine Liturgy on Thursday.

The psalm starts with  "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament proclaimeth the work of His hands."


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Psalm 22 - The Lord is my shepherd ( 7 verses)


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Psalm 23 (10 verses)

The earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof...

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Psalm 25 (10 verses)

A portion of this Psalm, from "I will wash my hands in innocency"... is said by the priests and descons as they wash their hands after vesting for Divine Liturgy.

The Psalm starts with, "Judge me, O Lord, for in mine innocence have I walked..."

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Psalm 66 (6 verses)

This is another very short psalm.   "God be gracious to us and bless us..."

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Psalms 90 (16 verses)

He that dwelleth in the help of the Most High ....

Psalm 90 is one of the three Psalms read at Sixth Hour.  It is also used in the funeral and pannikita services.


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Psalm 92 (7 verses)

Psalm 92 is said by the priest at Prokemedia before Divine Liturgy. He says it while censing the veil which covers the diskos.  The Prokemenon said at Vespers on Saturday evening is taken from this psalm.

The Lord is King, He is clothed with majesty ...


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Psalm 95 (13 verses)

"O sing unto the Lord a new song, sing unto the Lord all the earth..."


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Psalm 99 (4 verses)

Shout with jubilation all the earth ....

Psalm 99 is a short, joyful Psalm and a good one to learn at the beginning of the effort to learn the Psalms.

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Psalm 102, first part, (10 verses)

Psalm 102 has twenty verses, but we have divided it in half.  It is the fifth of the Six Psalms read at the beginning of Matins.

"Bless the ord, O my soul, ...

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Psalm 102, second part (10 verses)

This is simply the second half of Psalm 102, starting with verse 11.

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Psalm 116 (2 verses)

This is the shortest Psalm and is here to encourage even the youngest student.

Praise the Lord, O ye nations ...


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Psalm 120 (8 verses)

This is a beautiful, comforting psalm and the children love it.  The prokeimenon for daily vespers on Thursday evening is taken from this psalm.

" I have lifted up mine eyes to the mountains, from wehence cometh my help."

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Psalm 132 (4 verses)

This is a short, wonderful, well-known Psalm and the children love it. 

Behold, now, what is so good or so joyous...


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Psalm 138 (verses 1-9)

This is a beautiful psalm about God's knowledge and love for us.  The whole psalm is a bit long, so we are presenting just the first nine verses.  Add more if you would like.

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Psalm 142 (14 verses)

O Lord, hear my prayer, give ear unto my supplication ....

This psalm is the last of the Six Psalms read at the beginnings of Matins.

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Psalm 145 (10 verses)

Praise the Lord, O my soul.  I will praise the Lord in my life...


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